
Wide product range

DGT Research Ltd offers a comprehensive range of passive samplers that have been optimised for best performance for the measurement of your chosen analyte. Detailed guides and instructions are available for most passive samplers and analytes. The comprehensive data on diffusion coefficients means that there is no need for calibration.

Cationic metals

A range of passive samplers are available for measuring metals that are present in solution as cations eg: Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn. Some passive samplers perform optimally for a single metal, some for a suite of cations and others for cationic and anionic metals together. A guidance tool called Select Your DGT that assists you in making this choice is available.

Oxyanionic metals

A range of passive samplers are available for measuring metals that are present in solution as anions eg: As, Cr, Sb, V, W. Some passive samplers can measure cationic and anionic metals together. A guidance tool called Select Your DGT that assists you in making this choice is available.


Nutrients eg: phosphate, nitrate can be measured using the DGT passive sampler. Phosphate can be measured by the same passive sampler used for anionic metals. A detailed guide to measuring phosphate by DGT is available. Nitrate is measured with a bespoke passive sampler.


The inbuilt preconcentration of the DGT passive sampler makes it particularly well suited to measuring radionuclides, eg: Cs, Tc, U.


DGT passive samplers make measurement of sulfide very easy. A detailed guide explains how the greyscale that develops within the device in response to sulfide is simply measured using a conventional computer scanner that is calibrated in terms of concentration using supplied standards.

Organic Compounds

A range of organic compounds can be measured using a set of DGT passive samplers. The performance has been optimised for devices dedicated to each particular class of compounds. A full list of organic compounds is available.


The use of DGT passive samplers has been validated for more than 40 antibiotics.


DGT passive samplers equipped with an activated charcoal binding layer have been successfully used for the measurement of potentially harmful bisphenols A, B and F.

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

The use of DGT passive samplers has been validated for 8 EDCs.

Household and Personal Care Products

More than 10 products commonly found within the home can be measured using the dedicated DGT passive sampler.

Illicit Drugs

Drugs that can be measured using the DGT passive sampler include amphetamines and alkaloids.


This family of compounds, commonly used in manufacturing process, are readily measured using DGT passive samplers.

Organophosphate Flame Retardants

DGT passive samplers provide an easy measuring tool for these widely used compounds.

Pesticides and Herbicides

The use of DGT passive samplers has been validated for nearly 30 pesticides and herbicides.

Perfluorinated Compounds

Measurement by DGT passive samplers has been validated for fourteen of this family of persistent chemicals.

Psychiatric Pharmaceuticals

Efficient measurement using DGT passive samplers has been demonstrated for many drugs prescribed to treat conditions related to the mind.

General Pharmaceuticals

A diverse range of commonly used pharmaceutical products can be measured using DGT passive samplers.

Waters, soils or sediments? – your choice

Separate, simple plastic passive devices have been developed for measurements in waters, sediments and soils.

Deployments of DGT solution passive samplers can be very cost-effective compared to traditional monitoring, especially in dynamic marine and freshwater systems, such as estuaries, where concentrations vary markedly with time.

Soil testing and soil assessment is easy with DGT. Simply mix the soil into a slurry. Insert DGT and leave for a day.

Sediment probes can be used as an assessment tool. They allow in situ measurements at the spatial resolution of your choice.


DGT can be deployed very simply either singly or in clusters. Various inexpensive holders can be purchased. The built-in time-averaging of DGT makes monitoring easy.

Monitoring can be fully automated using a DGT automated sampler.
THOË is a patented automatic and autonomous sampler that is approved by DGT Research Limited. Fully programmable, THOË sequentially exposes DGT® to obtain time series measurements for any time up to several months. It can operate at depths up to 1000 m.

For more information on THOË and purchase details contact either AEL or Technicap.
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2D Imaging

The versatility of DGT is demonstrated by its use to obtain two-dimensional images of metals and other contaminants or nutrients, such as phosphate, in sediments and hydrated soils.

For some analytes the measurement is very easy to do. For example the binding gel of the sulfide probes develop a progressively darker grey colour as sulfide concentration increases. A regular flat bed scanner is all that is needed to quantify this grey scale as concentration.

Colorimetric techniques allow simple measurement of some metals and phosphate. Laser ablation ICP-MS is required for multi-elemental analysis.